Thursday, 4 March 2010

Show Jumping!!

Show Jumping season is creeping in I'm very excited and I've been training hard with my show jumper Cherry! She is a fantastic 10 year old light bay mare who jumps around 5ft which is fantastic, she is a quick competitor and loves to win! This year unfortunately I'm going against my best friend who has a very good 7 year old Grade A show jumper and it's Magic! I've never been against them in a competition before and it wont go down well seam as we are both into winning!! and don't like it if we don't get a podium soo we are out to win this time round! Been a bit busy this week with coursework! Not sure if I will be able to blog again for a bit so when I'm able to blog I will let you all know what's been going on!

Me and Cherry!

xoxo Amy x

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Another Weekend

It feels like 2 minutes since I last had a weekend and then I realised that I really had done no blogging what so ever. I don't no what came over me! Been very busy this week. Horses, School, Working on Drama pieces, Horses, Dance, there is just no end to what I have to do. School was normal again had performing arts though with Liam we go to do the romantic Waltz which was useful seam as we are going out and it was real nice to spend some time with him even if we did get most of the steps wrong because we were to focused on each other tehe, we got Laptops in the English department..they are like the last department to actually enter the 21st century, I mean all the other departments got laptops years ago tehe. Break was classic though, in form Will stole the blind and hid them in the guy's Loo! tehe Miss came in and thought she was going mad and could sooo not use the over head projector.She was pretty mad but anyway, at lunch Will and I sat in the form having lunch and Liam came in with the blind I nearly fell off the table laughing so he put them back up and we all left the form, The bell went and miss came in, she looked over at the window to see the blind was there. She so though she had a senior moment she said nothing seam as she is like 55 but Liam snickered, Will smirked and I just laughed outside it was so funny. I dread tot think what else Liam is planning on doing! Horses now I think and then I also think it will be time to light some candles put on some country and western music, call Hannah and write a song!

More Soon xoxo Amy x

I really don't think Squidge likes being Cold! x

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Half term over

Monday was the last day of Half Term..Well for me not for Hannah tehe. I actually never posted on Monday which I was quite surprised about when I just logged on now but never mind I'm posing now! Monday as usual was a normal day..Horses..Horses..Horses Best Days I say! Still shocked I never 'Blogged' tehe. Sorry I left this as a draft yesterday, I got distracted!! School yesterday was average..Drama, Math, English, French, Performing Arts and Ethical Studies! Bleh' Drama was great! Math we got to work on the laptops, English essay draft, French preparing for the oral test, Performing Arts AMAZING dancing with my boyfriend tehe foxtrot and Jive! and Ethics Boring..Our teacher drones on and on and on. Back home thank god!! Will is also home for another week Yay!! and Rob well he's got a girlfriend so now we will never see him!! disowned us! Riding later and working on leg aids with Cherry! can't wait..writing a new song tonight called 'Run forever' Already written the lyrics and music for it so now I have to put it all together and record it!! I've also joined a band..I'm playing the Electric guitar in it and singing! I'm not a fan on electric guitars I prefer acoustic but never mind soooo we our now going to drive my mum mad by playing in the empty barn like right next to our house tehehe!! Full Blast! Anyway better scoot! got things to do...Keep reading to keep up to date with what I'm up to!
xoxo Amy x

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Back with my Best Friend x

I knew I would never be able hold myself back from blogging till tomorrow...Anyway I've only just got back from one amazing hack with Hannah. So much fun all Magic did was walk side ways, Hannah asked him to trot and he jogged but then when she asked him to canter he took off into a reaaaal fast canter and ended up in a gallop. They came back to walk while a caught up and he carried on walking side ways..Well I just had to laugh it was so funny, normally me and Hannah talk side by side but she was in front of me going side ways, after a bit I think she gave up and just let him..he was being particularly awkward today! As per usual Squidge was as good as gold tehe, *makes a change* We came to the end of the bridal path where my brother parked the horse box and Magic through a pathetic tantrum! he reared, with Hannah still on him, bucked and nearly bolted off.. Thank God Hannah knows what to do with him! she go off and walked away! after he calmed down he came back to us to...I think apologise he did a good job though he rubbed himself all over Hannah...apparently in Horse language that means Hello! Hannah finally got him in the box..Phew x and Will drove me and Hannah to the Equestrian Centre where we were having a lesson. Hannah rode Oscar.. Not Magic seam as he was in a bit of a bad mood, and I rode Squidge! Great lesson. 3ft spreads and straight bars! great fun!
Well right now I'm sorting out my birthday presents and it's taking forever!!! I think later I will put Owl City on with candles and play my guitar..Sounds wonderful..Oh then watch Wild at Heart and Dancing on Ice... Hannah and I are routing for Gary Lucy!! hehe he is soooo totally the best. More soon maybe!! xoxo Amy x

Back to Normality

19th February was my birthday. I had so much fun, all my family and friends came over from America, Canada, Australia, France, Sweden just to see meee, hehe i felt sooo special. My daddy came home too from Spain, he has just bought 3 Arabian Stallions top class! he is now starting a new breeding line of Lipizzaner's. Daddy couldn't really bring my birthday present because it was a baby Cheetah from Africa..One of his friends there adopted it and Cheetah's are like equal to horses so seam as daddy bought me a foal for Christmas he adopted me a Cheetah..I named her Gianna like the one off Wild at Heart! I got Pictures of her on the way from where she is living at the moment..when she grows up Jermaine will let her out into his little Safari Park. Next summer daddy bought me a ticket with him to go to Africa and see Gianna! I'm really excited now!
My Birthday was amazing and I had the biggest party I have had in a long time. I miss my best friend though as she was on holiday but not to worry, hopefully I will be having more birthday's touch wood! unless I don't get thrown 6ft in the air again by Flint! tehehe that a side the birthday party was amazing with everyone around! We had a big Marquee up and lots of food. I got to open all my birthday presents after... they always make me wait! I got a new guitar and song book from my mum and from my brothers I got this amazing necklace that my friends from L.A brought over for them to give to me. The best necklace ever, wearing it right now! and a be quite honest I got loads of presents and I don't really remember them all, I just really got bits and bobs.. Art books, Jewerally, Horse things, I did get a western saddle and Bridal from my Uncle Sam! lucky daddy brought a Quarter horse mare back from America a few years ago..I might finally be able to go western style with my new Cowboy hat and boots from Aunt Franny, I also got a snowboard for when I go to Austria with my family!
Sorry i haven't blogged for ages though been sooo busy, we had over 100 guests at Spring Hill Farm, it might be big, but our farm can't hold about 150 cars!!
More tomorrow, to keep you up to date. I'm off to load Magic and Squidge, then meet Hannah down at the equestrian centre down the road and go on a nice long snowy hack.

Bye xoxo Amy x

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Life goes on...

Got back from Monty with my mum ages ago but I still don't no why she needed me..typical Ah well at least I got a new outfit for a compromise of her dragging me out when I had things to do with the horses tehehe. Still had a fun ish time in Monty. I got back to the horses that's the main thing. Been working with Arizona Lilly my Christmas present from my Daddy. She is now being a big girl and doing things without her mummy Awwh Bless x she followed me all around the yard while I was do things... stealing all my Polo's and then nibbling me for more tehe she is going to be a right little mare when she grows up. Squidge and Magic as usual ate and rolled and ate a bit more while the colts in the field over the hill were galloping and playing with each other.. You would think Magic and Squidge were 20 years old when in fact Magic is 6 and Squidge is 7 sooo I think they are a bit on the lazy side...never mind though they are hyper active when they are in the school or on a hack x When I finished with the horses as in mucking them out..Grooming..Riding..Playing with the foals, feeding and so on I took some time for myself. I got my guitar and song book and sat on my window box watching the snow fall and started singing... I got my new song finished it's called 'Dreaming of beats' as in Hoof beats on my heart... not one of my best songs it might need some re writing but never mind I like it at the moment. Got a lot of work to do tomorrow..Help my mum with the shopping, horses, horses and more horses and go collect a few books from Liam my wonderful boyfriend if you didn't already no! Well 8:00 now I think I better get ready for an early night shower, guitar, Hot Chocolate, Snugged Pyjamas and slippers, Squidge's blanket, cosy warm bed and listening to the horses outside tehehehehe I'm excited just thinking about it...I might not be able to post for a bit. Birthday preparations and work.. I will try to get on a blog to keep you all up to date though...Sweet Dreams..xoxo Amy x

Arizona Lilly x

Good Morning

It's a bit late to be saying Good Morning but I've only just finished all my Homework and Coursework for the holidays. Bleh' Teachers always do that, just because they have marking to do they think we should have homework to do as well.. I think it's very childish and petty. But never mind it's done now...So anyway I woke up t 6:00 in the morning to find a text from Hannah saying that she was on her way to mine..I forgot trust me so I had to get ready fast as from when the text was sent she was guessing...Already nearly here so I dived out of bed and put my jodhpurs and riding top, jacket and boots on that I left out the night before and raced downstairs, Will and Rob were downstairs already to my surprise eating toast with Marmalade on Yum!! I ran past them as they were standing by the agar, snatched their toast and before they could shout 'Oi give me that back', I grabbed my hat and ran out the door, just as Hannah was walking up the drive, I mean what good timing that was!! I ran towards her and gave her a massive hug tehe she loves it... We wandered arm in arm to the stable block...Opened the two massive barn doors and there they were.. Two perfect boys..Magic and Squidge..Waiting for us they were more likely waiting to be fed but never mind..We fed them and wandered back to the house..Will and Rob were waiting for me Will picked me up and gave me this horrid raspberry while Rob tickled me..Hannah well no help from her she just stood there laughing but it was my own fault... So we actually sat down for breakfast.. my mum then comes down the stairs Shocked..No joke it was 6:15 and we were all up, dressed and food on the table. I think she though she was walking into a parallel universe..but never mind she made her morning coffee and went to get a shower..7:00 It was time to ride..We skipped outside being complete idiots tehe to the tack room, collected our tack and skipped the the barn, we tacked Magic and Squidge up, walked them out and I gave Hannah a leg up then I waled over the the block while Hannah altered her stirrups. Well once we were set we were off. We did the normal hack just up the lane and round to the creak, gallop along the hill and round the back of the house, trotted along the bridal path and back up the lane to the stable block, laughing nearly all the way. We got back, untacked them both and back inside to sit but the log fire. We had at Hot Chocolate at 8:45 in the morning hehe then it was time.. Mum and I had to go to Monty for a meeting..I had to go because..well I don't actually no why I had to go but I did, anyway we dropped Hannah off back at home and we carried onto Monty. That's it for now..More again soon xoxo Amy x