It feels like 2 minutes since I last had a weekend and then I realised that I really had done no blogging what so ever. I don't no what came over me! Been very busy this week. Horses, School, Working on Drama pieces, Horses, Dance, there is just no end to what I have to do. School was normal again had performing arts though with Liam we go to do the romantic Waltz which was useful seam as we are going out and it was real nice to spend some time with him even if we did get most of the steps wrong because we were to focused on each other
tehe, we got Laptops in the English department..they are like the last department to actually enter the 21st century, I mean all the other departments got laptops years ago
tehe. Break was classic though, in form Will stole the blind and hid them in the guy's Loo!
tehe Miss came in and thought she was going mad and could
sooo not use the over head projector.She was pretty mad but anyway, at lunch Will and I sat in the form having lunch and Liam came in with the blind I nearly fell off the table laughing so he put them back up and we all left the form, The bell went and miss came in, she looked over at the window to see the blind was there. She so though she had a senior moment she said nothing seam as she is like 55 but Liam snickered, Will smirked and I just laughed outside it was so funny. I dread tot think what else Liam is planning on doing! Horses now I think and then I also think it will be time to light some candles put on some country and western music, call Hannah and write a song!
More Soon
xoxo Amy x

I really don't think
Squidge likes being Cold! x
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