Sunday, 21 February 2010

Back to Normality

19th February was my birthday. I had so much fun, all my family and friends came over from America, Canada, Australia, France, Sweden just to see meee, hehe i felt sooo special. My daddy came home too from Spain, he has just bought 3 Arabian Stallions top class! he is now starting a new breeding line of Lipizzaner's. Daddy couldn't really bring my birthday present because it was a baby Cheetah from Africa..One of his friends there adopted it and Cheetah's are like equal to horses so seam as daddy bought me a foal for Christmas he adopted me a Cheetah..I named her Gianna like the one off Wild at Heart! I got Pictures of her on the way from where she is living at the moment..when she grows up Jermaine will let her out into his little Safari Park. Next summer daddy bought me a ticket with him to go to Africa and see Gianna! I'm really excited now!
My Birthday was amazing and I had the biggest party I have had in a long time. I miss my best friend though as she was on holiday but not to worry, hopefully I will be having more birthday's touch wood! unless I don't get thrown 6ft in the air again by Flint! tehehe that a side the birthday party was amazing with everyone around! We had a big Marquee up and lots of food. I got to open all my birthday presents after... they always make me wait! I got a new guitar and song book from my mum and from my brothers I got this amazing necklace that my friends from L.A brought over for them to give to me. The best necklace ever, wearing it right now! and a be quite honest I got loads of presents and I don't really remember them all, I just really got bits and bobs.. Art books, Jewerally, Horse things, I did get a western saddle and Bridal from my Uncle Sam! lucky daddy brought a Quarter horse mare back from America a few years ago..I might finally be able to go western style with my new Cowboy hat and boots from Aunt Franny, I also got a snowboard for when I go to Austria with my family!
Sorry i haven't blogged for ages though been sooo busy, we had over 100 guests at Spring Hill Farm, it might be big, but our farm can't hold about 150 cars!!
More tomorrow, to keep you up to date. I'm off to load Magic and Squidge, then meet Hannah down at the equestrian centre down the road and go on a nice long snowy hack.

Bye xoxo Amy x


  1. God, your horse is really beautiful! We don't see frisiens here in Portugal. Believe me, he is really beautiful!
