Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Half term over

Monday was the last day of Half Term..Well for me not for Hannah tehe. I actually never posted on Monday which I was quite surprised about when I just logged on now but never mind I'm posing now! Monday as usual was a normal day..Horses..Horses..Horses Best Days I say! Still shocked I never 'Blogged' tehe. Sorry I left this as a draft yesterday, I got distracted!! School yesterday was average..Drama, Math, English, French, Performing Arts and Ethical Studies! Bleh' Drama was great! Math we got to work on the laptops, English essay draft, French preparing for the oral test, Performing Arts AMAZING dancing with my boyfriend tehe foxtrot and Jive! and Ethics Boring..Our teacher drones on and on and on. Back home thank god!! Will is also home for another week Yay!! and Rob well he's got a girlfriend so now we will never see him!! disowned us! Riding later and working on leg aids with Cherry! can't wait..writing a new song tonight called 'Run forever' Already written the lyrics and music for it so now I have to put it all together and record it!! I've also joined a band..I'm playing the Electric guitar in it and singing! I'm not a fan on electric guitars I prefer acoustic but never mind soooo we our now going to drive my mum mad by playing in the empty barn like right next to our house tehehe!! Full Blast! Anyway better scoot! got things to do...Keep reading to keep up to date with what I'm up to!
xoxo Amy x

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