Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Good Morning

It's a bit late to be saying Good Morning but I've only just finished all my Homework and Coursework for the holidays. Bleh' Teachers always do that, just because they have marking to do they think we should have homework to do as well.. I think it's very childish and petty. But never mind it's done now...So anyway I woke up t 6:00 in the morning to find a text from Hannah saying that she was on her way to mine..I forgot trust me so I had to get ready fast as from when the text was sent she was guessing...Already nearly here so I dived out of bed and put my jodhpurs and riding top, jacket and boots on that I left out the night before and raced downstairs, Will and Rob were downstairs already to my surprise eating toast with Marmalade on Yum!! I ran past them as they were standing by the agar, snatched their toast and before they could shout 'Oi give me that back', I grabbed my hat and ran out the door, just as Hannah was walking up the drive, I mean what good timing that was!! I ran towards her and gave her a massive hug tehe she loves it... We wandered arm in arm to the stable block...Opened the two massive barn doors and there they were.. Two perfect boys..Magic and Squidge..Waiting for us they were more likely waiting to be fed but never mind..We fed them and wandered back to the house..Will and Rob were waiting for me Will picked me up and gave me this horrid raspberry while Rob tickled me..Hannah well no help from her she just stood there laughing but it was my own fault... So we actually sat down for breakfast.. my mum then comes down the stairs Shocked..No joke it was 6:15 and we were all up, dressed and food on the table. I think she though she was walking into a parallel universe..but never mind she made her morning coffee and went to get a shower..7:00 It was time to ride..We skipped outside being complete idiots tehe to the tack room, collected our tack and skipped the the barn, we tacked Magic and Squidge up, walked them out and I gave Hannah a leg up then I waled over the the block while Hannah altered her stirrups. Well once we were set we were off. We did the normal hack just up the lane and round to the creak, gallop along the hill and round the back of the house, trotted along the bridal path and back up the lane to the stable block, laughing nearly all the way. We got back, untacked them both and back inside to sit but the log fire. We had at Hot Chocolate at 8:45 in the morning hehe then it was time.. Mum and I had to go to Monty for a meeting..I had to go because..well I don't actually no why I had to go but I did, anyway we dropped Hannah off back at home and we carried onto Monty. That's it for now..More again soon xoxo Amy x

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