Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Life goes on...

Got back from Monty with my mum ages ago but I still don't no why she needed me..typical Ah well at least I got a new outfit for a compromise of her dragging me out when I had things to do with the horses tehehe. Still had a fun ish time in Monty. I got back to the horses that's the main thing. Been working with Arizona Lilly my Christmas present from my Daddy. She is now being a big girl and doing things without her mummy Awwh Bless x she followed me all around the yard while I was do things... stealing all my Polo's and then nibbling me for more tehe she is going to be a right little mare when she grows up. Squidge and Magic as usual ate and rolled and ate a bit more while the colts in the field over the hill were galloping and playing with each other.. You would think Magic and Squidge were 20 years old when in fact Magic is 6 and Squidge is 7 sooo I think they are a bit on the lazy side...never mind though they are hyper active when they are in the school or on a hack x When I finished with the horses as in mucking them out..Grooming..Riding..Playing with the foals, feeding and so on I took some time for myself. I got my guitar and song book and sat on my window box watching the snow fall and started singing... I got my new song finished it's called 'Dreaming of beats' as in Hoof beats on my heart... not one of my best songs it might need some re writing but never mind I like it at the moment. Got a lot of work to do tomorrow..Help my mum with the shopping, horses, horses and more horses and go collect a few books from Liam my wonderful boyfriend if you didn't already no! Well 8:00 now I think I better get ready for an early night shower, guitar, Hot Chocolate, Snugged Pyjamas and slippers, Squidge's blanket, cosy warm bed and listening to the horses outside tehehehehe I'm excited just thinking about it...I might not be able to post for a bit. Birthday preparations and work.. I will try to get on a blog to keep you all up to date though...Sweet Dreams..xoxo Amy x

Arizona Lilly x

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