So I've finally finished with the horses, I brought them all in from the field, I fed, watered and groomed them..Mannn what a job, it takes hours but I really do love it. The Black Stallion from Canada names 'Jetty' just refused to come in, naughty stallion well actually it's typical all he ever does when he is in the box is kick it. I'm so tired now and really want to go to bed but before I do I have to write this... I love 'blogging' tehe it's soo much fun. Listening to Country and Western music, got the candles lit and I can hear the horses galloping, playing and being Crazzzzzy together..It's just the life and I could not wish for anything better..So now Will is home we can totally have a party Saturday night with all his Uni friends and my Hannah of course x Hehe I'm excited just thinking about it..Thank God mum works very late on Saturdays...Well enough time for everyone to have a good time, get rid of them, clean up then upstairs to bed so it looks like nothing has happened tehehe..It only happens when Will comes home which is not often. Well I'm off riding tomorrow with Hannah if she gets to mine early enough..Can't wait... Well that's it for today. Unless I can't sleep then you will have another post to read...Sorry x Anyway night night. Better blow out my candles don't want them to burn down while I'm sleeping..Sweet Dreams xoxo Amy...More tomorrow...Keep posted if you want to no what goes on in the County Girl's life...Wow don't usually write that tehe xoxo
Some piccies of Squidge if you were wonder what he looks like...

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