Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Start of something

Well here is my first ever blog. I'm use to writing my own personal feelings down in a book which I fill in everyday no matter what! But there comes a time where you fill up that book then you realize that you don't want to walk 4 miles to get the the local shop to buy another one! So I was chatting to Hannah and she said that she just recently started 'blogging' I was like, What the heck is Blogging?? So she showed me this blogspot website..She said she got really into blogging and once she starts she can't stop hehe x So but from now on..to whoever reads this I am soo sorry..This is what I'm like..I can babble on forever and a day. That's is mostly why I have gone through 8 diary's in 2 months.
Anyway... Spring is on it's way Hallelujah. It's not no that I don't like winter..I do actually I love it but it becomes a bit tedious after a bit so I just can't wait for the leaves to grow back on the trees and make the gardens, yard, paddocks and fields look beautiful again. So I can sit outside under the big tree in the main field with Squidge and Magic round me while I write my songs and have 'me' time. It's just an idyllic life sometimes but I can't help feeling like it always seams better in my head..I do sit under the tree writing and singing songs but it never seams to be the picture that I have in my head. Hmm I wonder why it is though? Lifeeee... funny thing tehe x. Been an amusing day, Daddy was on web cam he is in Canada at the moment at *one* of his stud farms and a massive dog came and licked his face. Haha considering he love dogs I don't really think he loved the loving kiss! Will came back from Uni today thank god..Life finally gets more amusing... Pity daddy is not home yet I really miss him.. Life always changes the day he leaves and the day he comes back... It's really hard to say goodbye and not knowing the next time I will see him..Dad and I always get on Mum never seams to care..She is a P.A for gods sake she never has time for her family but that's 15 years of her like that no wonder I'm closer to my dad...Babbling on again sorry to whoever is reading this Must go and carry on with the other things...More Soon xoxo Amy

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